Posts Tagged ‘DNS Failure’

Q: Why do I see DNS Failure on the iSCSI network name cluster resource?

Sunday, June 13th, 2010

A: The default network properties will force the Network Name resource to attempt to register itself with a DNS Server. This may result in slower than expected iSCSI resource group movement between Windows Storage Server 2008 cluster nodes. The recommendation is to remove the DNS registration requirements by adjusting the appropriate network properties.

1. Open the Network Sharing Center on one of the Windows Storage Server 2008 systems.

2. Select Manage network connections.

3. Select Properties for the iSCSI Network.

4. Select Properties for Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).

5. Select the Advanced tab.

6. Select the DNS tab.

7. Deselect the Register this connection’s addresses in DNS.

8. Close the Properties for the iSCSI Network.

9. If there are any additional iSCSI networks, repeat Step 3 to 8 for each one.
