Archive for the ‘Exchange 2007’ Category

Best practice for managing NDR with Exchange 2007

Friday, June 5th, 2009


Basically what you should do is to enable the Recipient Filtering functionality to block emails addressed to invalid recipients.
In this manner emails will be rejected immediately without generating an NDR.
You can only do this if Exchange is receiving internet email directly.
If you have the Ex2007 Edge Transport go to:
Microsoft Exchange | Edge Transport | Anti-Spam
Otherwise for Ex2007 Hub Transport install the anti-spam agents:

Next go to:
Microsoft Exchange | Organization Configuration | Hub Transport | Anti-Spam
Open the properties for  Recipient Filtering and tick the checkbox:
‘Block messages sent to recipients not listed in the Global Address List’


Enabling Exchange 2007’s built in spam filtering module

Saturday, March 14th, 2009

Exchange 2007 has a built in anti-spam filtering module that just needs to be enabled.

Here are some simple instructions to get going with it. Once you’ve enabled this feature, you should see an anti-spam tab in the Exchange management console under Organization configuration > Hub Transport > Anti-Spam.

To enable anti-spam functionality on a Hub Transport server

1. Open the Exchange Management Shell

2. cd to the scripts folder in the Exchange install directory.
%system drive%/Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts folder.

3. Run the following command:


4. After the script has run, restart the Microsoft Exchange Transport service by running the following command:

Restart-Service MSExchangeTransport

5. Enable automatic anti-spam updates.

550 5.7.1 RESOLVER.RST.AuthRequired; authentication required

Thursday, December 18th, 2008

By default, the mail flow settings for distribution groups restrict the use of the groups to authenticated users. Go to the properties of the distribution group.  Go to the Mail Flow Settings tab.  Under Message Delivery Restrictions, uncheck the box that says Require Authentication.

Using Exchange Management Shell (PowerShell prompt)

Thursday, June 12th, 2008

Accepted Domains

New-AcceptedDomain -Name “” -DomainName -DomainType Authoritative